Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Question #1

Question #1- Do you have a bicycle? What is it like?

A: Unfortunately I do not have a bicycle. I wish I did. However,  I can tell you what the bike I had as a kid was like. :) My first bike that I can remember was a tricycle. It was purple and and a Poppel on the front where when you honked the horn... the poppel would pop out. I used to love Poppels. I remember I had a couple Poppel stuffed animals, one which rolled up and turned into a soccer ball. Anyone remember these?

When I graduated to the bicycle I think I remember it was yellow. I don't remember if the tassels were coming out of the handle bars or if I had a basket... or both. However, I DO remember that it had a rockin banana seat. It looked kind of like this one.

Man... makes me want to ride a bike right now. "I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike..."

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