Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Friday, September 21, 2012

Question #20

Q: What is my favorite sport or activity to do at recess?

A: This is an interesting question because I am pretty sure when I was given this journal jar, I was in Jr. High and we didn't have recess. When I did have recess I went through different stages of what I liked to do at recess. Of course I was on the All Stars softball team, so I played that a lot, I went through a swing phase, a jump rope stage (loved double dutch), a hop scotch stage, playing marbles phase, playing cards phase.... etc... However, in Jr High I played 2 after school sports. Softball and Volleyball. The only two sports that I am good at. To this day, my answer would still be the same. I played a lot of volleyball in the beginning of college. I played a lot of indoor volleyball with friends at church and I took a beach volleyball class at school. Now I play volleyball here and there at work when I get invited and have played a lot more softball on work teams in city leagues or ward teams against other wards in the stake. Funny how some things don't really change.

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