Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Brought to you by Brunette on the Internet

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Question # 92

Q: What is a challenge or trial do I really want to overcome? How am I going to do it?

A: A trial I would love to overcome is the trial of being an older single. I would love to find someone to spend my life with. However... answering as a teen and an adult... my answer would be my self confidence. I will say that it REALLY improved over the years especially in the last 5 years... but there is always room for improvement. It is something that I am constantly working on. Working on loving myself and feeling good in my own skin. Not caring what other people think. It's hard, but everyday I get better. Of course I have my set backs... but doesn't everyone? Something that helped was just taking care of myself better. Losing weight, learning how to dress cute and doing my make up and hair. When I feel cute... I am more confident and happy. It's a domino affect really. But I always struggle. Something I think I will always have to work on.

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